Product Information
Summerburst LiliesSend a summery burst of sunshine with this gorgeous lily bouquet. Lilies have long been a sweet and wonderful way to warm anyone's heart. (Occasion: Love & Romance, Anniversary, Birthday) |
Stately Lilies"These beautiful, all white flowers touch hearts with their peaceful beauty. Place the spray on a table next to an urn, guest book or collection of framed photographs as a graceful tribute. This beautiful... |
Lilies and More - JustFlowers.comRich and voluminous, this arrangement is a true representation of Nature's richness a beautiful gift. |
Citrus Roses & LiliesA vibrant display of color! One dozen orange roses and yellow lilies are expertly arranged in an eye-catching 7"H raspberry matte vase with beaded wire that is sure to warm their heart! Includes: Orange... |
Fragrant Lilies - JustFlowers.comGive someone "butterflies" with the elegant simplicity of lilies. Their color will fill the day with beauty. |
Teleflora's Blushing Lilies"Send this blushing beauty of perfectly pink lilies and light pink carnations arranged in our charming french country pot-the perfect gift to ring in spring! Pink asiatic lilies are arranged into a topiary... |
Stargazer Lilies - JustFlowers.comSend this unique arrangement as a testament of your original taste, and high regard for a special someone. |
Red & White Peruvian LiliesValentine Peruvian Lilies, alstromeria lilies, alstro, red and white alstromeria, lilies, red and white lilies, EcoBlooms certified, eco-friendly lilies, eco-friendly holiday alstromeria, christmas lilies,... |
Lovely Lilies - JustFlowers.comSerene and refined, the simplicity of this bouquet is sure to bring peacefulness and tranquility. |
Heavenly Lilies - JustFlowers.comLeave someone speechless with this elegant bouquet. |