Product Information
Dancing in Daisies"Daisies are an enchanting flower. Add a flurry of lush red alstroemeria and you have a gift of pure joy. So much beauty for such a reasonable price, it's the perfect choice for birthday, love and romance,... |
Gerbera Daisies VaseSay 'Thanks,' 'Thinking of You,' 'Have a Great Day,' or 'Feel Better Soon,' with this fresh and festive assortment of Gerbera daisies in a simple vased bouquet. A fanciful, fun way to lift anyone's spirits! |
Teleflora's Daisies and Sunbeams"The song says, ""The sun'll come out tomorrow,"" but why not today? Whatever the weather, this sunny bouquet of yellow, peach and white flowers will brighten any day instantly. Perfect for a birthday,... |
Flowers - Cheery Gerbera DaisiesLike a ray of sunshine on a warm spring day, this glorious bouquet of brightly colored gerbera daisies is the perfect pick-me-up! Arranged in a clear glass vase that accentuates their glowing hues, this... |
Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Daisies"For a gift they'll never forget, send them happy flowers in a yellow ceramic pitcher they'll use again and again - thinking of you every time they do! This cheerful bouquet of daisies is the epitome of... |
Teleflora's Happy Daisies Bouquet"Pour on the charm with a burst of delightful spring flowers beautifully arranged in an enchanting little ceramic pitcher decorated with hand-painted daisies. Guaranteed to keep the spirit of spring alive... |
Teleflora's Crazy for Daisies Bouquet"As exuberant as spring itself, this cheerful arrangement features a big batch of white daisies in a graceful green glass vase, decorated with matching hand-painted daisies - the flower of spring! White... |
White Daisies and Bear - JustFlowers.comWhite daisies arranged in a clear glass vase are pure and simple, much like all good things in life! Arrangement comes with a cute teddy bear! (actual bear may vary) |
Colorful Gerbera Daisies - FlowersCelebrate Any Occasion With A Bright, Beautiful Gerbera Daisy Bouquet. Available In A Rainbow Of Colors, Gerbera Daisies Are Fast Becoming A Favorite Of Flower Lovers. Proflowers' Gerbera Daisies Are Prized... |
Assorted Cheerful Gerbera Daisies - FlowersCelebrate Any Occasion With A Bright, Beautiful Gerbera Daisy Bouquet. Available In A Rainbow Of Colors, Gerbera Daisies Are Fast Becoming A Favorite Of Flower Lovers. Proflowers' Gerbera Daisies Are Prized... |