Tranquil Bouquet - Rose and Peruvian Lily Arrangement – Flower Co.
Tranquil Bouquet TOP - hot pink roses , pink roses , purple stock , lavender stock , fuchsia stock , pink lilies , Top of bouquet

Tranquil™ Bouquet is a stunning arrangement designed by Flower Co that embodies the essence of calmness and grace. Comprising an array of beautiful flowers in soothing shades of pink, purple, and lavender, this exquisite fresh flower bouquet will make an excellent birthday, anniversary or sympathy gift.

The star of the Tranquil Bouquet is the hot pink roses that exude elegance and beauty. These roses are complemented by soft pink roses that add a touch of sweetness and calming grace to the arrangement. The combination of these two shades of pink creates a soothing and calming effect, making it a perfect bouquet for those seeking peace and tranquility. It also features beautiful lavender and fuchsia stock stems that adds a depth of color and texture to the arrangement.

This gorgeous bouquet also includes pink peruvian lilies that add a playful touch to the arrangement. These lilies are known for their long-lasting blooms, making them a perfect addition to the bouquet. Their bright color and subtle fragrance add to the overall beauty of the Tranquil Bouquet.

This elegant bouquet is presented in a clear glass bubble bowl vase, which showcases the beauty of the flowers and enhances their overall elegance. The vase adds a touch of modernity to the arrangement, making it a perfect gift for anyone who appreciates contemporary design.

In summary, the Tranquil Bouquet is an exquisite arrangement that features a beautiful combination of hot pink roses, pink roses, lavender and fuchsia stock, pink Peruvian lilies arranged in a clear glass bubble bowl vase. The soothing colors and calming effect of the bouquet make it a perfect gift for any occasion. Whether it's for a friend, family member, or loved one, the Tranquil Bouquet is sure to bring joy and peace to anyone who receives it.
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