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Archive for the ‘Artificial Flowers’ Category

Cutting Out The Cost

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Replica Grenade was Stolen From KOP Mall: Police

A fake grenade was found inside The Court at King of Prussia Mall
Wednesday afternoon is believed to have been stolen from a store
in the mall that sells indentical replicas.

A mall security guard found the device inside a flower planter on
the first floor of The Court near the Eddie Bauer store at about
1:45, according to Upper Merion Police. At the same time, outside
the mall, other security gaurds found a fire in a trash can.

Part of The Court was evacuated as a precaution and the
Montgomery County Bomb Squad was called in to investigate.

The Bomb Squad determined the device was a replica and posed no
threat. After a full search of the area, The Court was re-opened
shortly after 3 p.m.

Police have determined that a store within The Court sells
replica hand grenades, just like the one found in the mall. They
believe the replica found in the mall was stolen from that
particular store.

Police continue to investigate.

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Gifts for Dolan at First Sunday Mass Since News of Elevation

“The archbishop,” explained Simon Paulino, 43, from Park Ridge, N.J., “he likes beer.”

Mr. Paulino was among the horde of well-wishers at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Sunday, as Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan offered Sunday Mass for the first time since Pope Benedict XVI announced his elevation to cardinal.

During the 10:15 a.m. service, Archbishop Dolan made only an oblique reference to his recent promotion, which will become official at a Vatican ceremony next month.

“Pardon my laryngitis today,” he told the attendees, in a raspy voice. “I’ve been talking way too much.”

Churchgoers, though, were in no mood for understatement. Mr. Paulino, who came with his wife and 10 of his 12 children, brought Archbishop Dolan a gift basket with beer and snacks. The family met with the archbishop after Mass, noting that he was responsible for the name they chose for their 2-year-old son. “When my wife was pregnant, he said it would be a boy,” Mr. Paulino said. “Timothy.”

Another attendee, Gabriela Alvarez, 29, said she helped tailor a dance performance by a group of students, which had been in the works for months, in part to honor the archbishop’s promotion. She and another woman pulled a Styrofoam rendering of Jesus, painted black, without arms or legs, from a large plastic bag behind the pews. It stood beside a makeshift altar, festooned with fake flowers, which was to be carried by some of the dancers during the performance later in the day. “It matches with the cardinal’s elevation,” Ms. Alvarez said of the dance’s subject matter. She did not elaborate.

Speaking after Mass, Archbishop Dolan said he was surprised by the timing of the elevation. Only cardinals under age 80 are eligible to vote in papal elections, and Cardinal Edward M. Egan, the archbishop emeritus of New York, will not turn 80 until April. It is rare for a diocese to have two cardinals eligible to vote at the same time.

Even outside the church, New Yorkers seem to have taken note of the archbishop’s new position. He told reporters after Mass that he happened upon two garbage collectors near his residence on Madison Avenue on Saturday. “Are you the new cardinal?” they asked.

The Rev. Noel Leslie, a pastor from Belize, said church leaders from New York were uniquely qualified to ascend the ranks at the Vatican. “They have to be good men, intelligent men, to run this place,” he said, waiting for the service to begin.

Father Leslie had “never heard any negative remarks” about the archbishop, he said. He paused for a moment. “So far,” he added.

Lilla Argento, 23, who came with her family from Howard Beach, Queens, agreed that the archbishop’s temperament would serve him well in his new role. “People are attracted to his personality,” she said.

“Great sense of humor,” her father, Joe Argento, 51, added. “He’s different.”

Indeed, the archbishop’s wit was on display Sunday from the beginning of the Mass. With a handful of attendees wearing New York Giants jerseys, less than two hours before the kickoff of the team’s playoff game, Archbishop Dolan offered a message of inclusion. So accommodating was the church, he said, that “we even welcome Falcons fans.”

But the archbishop might soon face a rather delicate pigskin quandary: During his tenure as archbishop of Milwaukee, he famously wore a Green Bay Packers “cheesehead” during an outdoor Mass. The Giants travel to Green Bay next weekend.

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Why can’t families do more at cemeteries?

Why is it that we buy plots for our family members, paid for our land and yet the cemetery owners still throw away our flowers and all that we leave for our loved ones? It’s not fair especially over the holidays. — Mourning, Calexico

While we can sympathize with family members who feel they are being slighted, both cemetery administrators we spoke with offered reasonable explanations as to why cemeteries have a strict policy in place regarding flowers and other memorial items left on a loved one’s grave.

In the case of both Mountain View Cemetery in Calexico and Evergreen Cemetery in El Centro, safety seems to be the utmost concern when limiting the types of items that can be left on or near a headstone. That is not to say that flowers pose a danger, but the policy of both cemeteries strictly prohibits a multitude of other items that can be strewn about by strong winds and end up becoming projectiles when lawnmowers go about their work.

At Evergreen, all flowers must be placed in vases, said superintended Chuck Jernigan. Rules and regulations prohibit balloons, fencing, candles and all other sort of knick-knacks that contribute to “clutter,” Jernigan said. Flowers, whether they are plastic or real, are thrown away once they become “unsightly,” Jernigan said. Evergreen’s flower policy has been in place for quite some time and contributes to keeping the cemetery grounds in a proper appearance, Jernigan said.

Mountain View has a large billboard on the grounds that explicitly states what is and isn’t allowed to be displayed at a loved one’s grave. No glass is allowed and will be removed immediately if sighted, said president Kirk Hems.

Only fresh and artificial flowers are allowed and only until they become unsightly, at which time they are removed, Hems said.

The policy has been in place since the early 1950s and hasn’t changed much, Hems said, adding that in the future the cemetery’s board may consider regulating the height of artificial flowers.

Both cemeteries said they allow for flowers to be kept at gravesites for longer periods of time around numerous holidays, at which time potted plants are permissible.

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Creating your dream wedding on a budget

Is time running out and you still haven’t tied up the very loose ends of your wedding? 

Let me help with a few budget-friendly ideas that are stylish for the 2012 season. The most helpful hint that I can share with you is to plan your wedding around a theme

A themed wedding helps you in achieving a one-of-a-kind wedding where you can express your own personality as well as leaving others with a lasting memory.

If you are still looking for the dress-take heart and think 40′s-60′s as these eras are sweeping the runways.  Think full skirt, ruffled layers, chiffon, and structure.  Nowdays, a lot of brides are borrowing dresses and even renting them to save on wedding costs.  There are many bridal stores in the Greenville area, such as David’s Bridal that have very affordable gowns and dresses.  A vintage gown would be awesome if you can locate one in a consignment store.  And don’t be shy about  going with a soft color, if this is your second wedding.  Watch the slideshow to see what is in fashion for 2012. You can pair a vintage hat with a new dress to produce an individual style on your special day.  Break out of the barriers and have fun.  Imagine a 50′s wedding with short vintage bridesmaid dresses, 50′s music, and being able to rent a local 57 chevy for your departure.  There are so many local vintage car clubs that you could hire an owner to drive you away for just a small fee.  http://www.oldride.com/clubs/southcarolina


The floral ideas for a budget wedding are abundant.  The spring season symbolizes ‘awakening’ so think about making flower boxes of tulips and daffodils and use these as your centerpieces.  Later, you can use them at your new home. Consider using artificial flowers on your cake.  Think about your theme.  Look at magazines to get ideas about time periods and have a girls’ luncheon to design and make them with your bridal party. Shop flee markets for vintage vases to use on the tables instead of renting them.  These, you can use in your home as well.

It is getting more and more popular to have a tiered-cupcake display instead of a cake or even miniature cakes.  This will cut the expensive cake costs in half.  I have displayed what is stylish for 2012 wedding cake alternatives in the slideshow. 

The invitation.  Nowdays, it is all electronic.  There are websites that will design and even send your invitations for you via the web. This is definitely a way to go green and save hundreds of dollars.http://pingg.com

Consider having an outdoor barbecue for your rehearsal dinner.  This will avoid a restaurant rental fee and you can control what you serve as well as the ability to move and mingle with your guests.  Make it fun-not formal!

The setting.  The best way to save on a wedding is the ability to have it outdoors with nature’s abundance of beauty.  The flowers will be in bloom; and in the South, azaleas are at their peak in the Spring, the mountains are glorious in the summer and fall, and the ocean is perfect for any season.  Choose an unusual venue, such as an aquarium, a zoo, a gallery or a historical site. Site fees are not high and you’ll save on decor because the venue already supplies ambience. Figure in what you’ll have to spend on rentals.http://bridalguide.com  Hold your ceremony and reception in the same place.  This will elimate so many costs; transportation, rental fees, etc. Consider renting a vacation home for the wedding and reception.  If the ceremony is outdoors, rent a tent that will accommodate all the guests in case of rain or high winds.

Music for ceremony - Hire talented students from a local music school to perform at the ceremony. Ask to hear them play—they may be just as good as professionals, and charge you less. Stay local: If a band has to travel for more than an hour, your costs will increase. Consider a d.j. for less money and you can pick your own music!

Food for the reception can be reduced to a beautiful presentation of salads and fruits for a summer wedding or soups and breads for a winter wedding. Shy away from expensive prime rib, tenderloin, and raw bars.  These choices will eat into your budget before you can even sit down to eat! Consider a Thai or Mexican theme and let any chefs or great cooks that you know do the cooking for you as a wedding gift!

Omit the bubbly!  Let your guests toast what they are drinking.

Honeymoon -don’t be afraid to mention the fact that you will be honeymooning when you’re making reservations for a restaurant, hotel, or cruise. Announce it when you arrive. Tell everyone! You’re happy and you’re in love. Special accommodations and gifts, ranging from upgraded rooms to flowers or free champagne are often given to honeymooners.When you are planning your honeymoon, keep the destination key to what you both like and remember that it is also a time to rest after all the wedding stress.

By using creative ideas and smart wedding planning tips, you can have a “million dollar wedding” while saving tons of money.  A generic wedding can be cash out the window with no memories, but a themed wedding can reflect the couple’s personalities and make memories to last a lifetime.

Greenville area resources -davidsbridal.com, simplybridal.com/wedding-dresses/greenville, threadsintime.net

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Taking Down the Christmas Tree

It is that time of year. Cold and gray in the parts of the world I inhabit. Time to dismantle the Chrisnukkah decorations, the menorah and the hot pink artificial tree, the lights, the pretty, glittery balls full of possibility and take stock of another year gone by and another year begun. I will admit to hating the holidays, particularly the Shopocalypse in which people pepper spray one another to get more cheap stuff and shoppers die during stampedes at large box stores.

But this year the holidays seemed to so effectively take the Christ out of Christmas (and the sun out of Solstice and the miracle out of Hanukkah and so on), that it left me even more Grinch-y than usual. And then, a woman around the corner from my apartment in Brooklyn was set ablaze, apparently because she owed someone a couple of thousand dollars, and in that horrendous act I found something I didn’t expect: my soul.

Max Weber would disagree. He argued that as Americans moved from a Protestant Ethic to the Spirit of Capitalism, we lost all sense of the divine, that there was a “disenchantment of the world” as we became “hedonists without a heart.” According to Weber, as consumption replaced redemption as the driving force of modernity, we lost our ability to believe in something bigger and more important than our own desires. I realize this Weberian understanding of modernity is undermined by the persistent habit of Americans to be very religious, but let us assume that religiosity does not necessarily lead to behavior indicative of someone who believes in something bigger and better than herself.

But here’s where things get weird. I live part of my life in Prospect Heights, around the corner from where Deloris Gillespie lived until she was brutally murdered. On December 17th, Ms. Gillespie came home from the same supermarket that I shop at, carrying bags of groceries, and stepped into the elevator, Jerome Isaac, apparently upset by money she owed him for various odd jobs,

was dressed as an exterminator, doused her from head to toe with an accelerant as she cowered in the corner clutching her groceries. He set her on fire, then lobbed the Molotov cocktail inside the elevator. The whole scene was captured on two surveillance tape cameras in the elevator. Gillespie was pronounced dead at the scene, while five other tenants suffered minor injuries.

Immediately afterward, total strangers stepped forward and offered to pay for the costs of the funeral (estimated to be about $10,000). Outside her building, candles and flowers appeared, heartfelt notes to her and her family, even some coins. Walking by Ms. Gillespie’s building, it is impossible not to stop and look. But for some reason, I felt compelled to do something for her. I walked down the block to the grocery store, found a blue candle, bought it and brought it back. I am an atheist Jew. This act, so incomprehensible, was so completely out of character that I never even told anyone I did it. I am not even sure why I did it. I was thinking about a friend who is near death. I was thinking about Ms. Gillespie’s life and death. I stood there, crying and feeling  some sense of the divine in Prospect Heights.

Of course her death is a sign that money is so sacred, so much our God, that some are willing to brutally murder for it. But how different is this than religious zealotry, where some are willing to kill- especially women and girls- for any sign that a religious law has been broken. Stoning a woman for not covering her body and burning her alive for not paying money owed are related acts.

But if money is the religion of Modernity, as Weber did in fact predict, then it also comes with its own acts of charity and even grace. Crowds may stampede in the temples that are Walmart, and zealots may kill those they deem financially polluted, but believers will also reach out with money for funerals and notes and flowers and the other rituals of grief and grace that enchant even a world as brutal and gray as this one.

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Shoppers hog Petaling St to buy decors and food stuff

PETALING Street comes alive with shoppers scouting for Chinese New Year must-haves. Catchy Chinese New Year tunes could be heard at every corner of the bustling area, spreading the infectious festive joy.

Many stores were brimming with red lanterns, artificial flowers and assorted decorative items bearing the image of the auspicious dragons.

For many families, a trip to Petaling Street is a must.

Brisk business: Shops selling decorative items are packed with patrons.

Carol Ng, 36, said they braved the crowd and insisted on bringing their children there just for the younger generation to bask in the festive mood.

“We are looking for a pair of dragons to be hung in our house. It is a yearly practice, be it the Year of the Dragon or not,” she said.

Her sister Fion Ng, 41, added that they would purchase the CNY staples such as dried meat (bakkwa) and cookies in Petaling Street too.

“We will definitely come back again for more if we happen to finish the delicacies before Chinese New Year,” she said.

Squeezing through the narrow aisles of Nu Lycie Sdn Bhd were Tan Sie Kiat, 40, and her daughters, Tang Zhi En, five, and 20-month-old Tang Kai En.

Hear them roar: Dragons take centre stage this year.

She decided to make full use of the public holiday on Monday to take her daughters to Petaling Street from Cheras.

“This is the place to be for some festive cheer,” she said.

Lydia Lee Chooi Kuan, 42, was selecting stalks of peace blossoms with the help of her seven-year-old son Paul Wong Keng Sum.

“The flowers signify the arrival of spring,” she said.

In the right mood: Sisters Fion (left) and Carol (right) insisted on bringing their families to shop at Petaling Street for the children to bask in the festive mood.

Over at Kong Kee, customers were busy choosing their favourite waxed meat products (lap mei).

Stall owner Cheh Yoong Kong said the most popular items have always been waxed duck drumstick and Chinese sausage.

“I inherited the stall from my father, who started this business some 40 years ago to offer lap mei during Chinese New Year.

“We have been sourcing the items from the same supplier in Hong Kong so customers are familiar with the taste of our products,” he said.

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Ranganathittu bird sanctuary gets artificial island

Bird friendly

The department of forests have built an artificial island for the birds that migrate from far off countries for breeding purpose at Ranganathittu bird sanctuary in Srirangapatna.

The island has been set up at the centre of western side of the sanctuary. Trees like ‘Neeranji’ and ‘Honge’ have been grown in the island which is of 200 mts length.
Sand filled bags have been placed so that it does not get washed away in case of flash floods which are usually common during the monsoon, when the whole sanctuary is inundated.

Birds from Gadavi bird sanctuary in Haveri, Mandagadde in Shimoga also visit these places during the season.  Currently there are 50 pairs of pelicans, 2,000 Night Herons, 500 open bill storks, 25 pairs of painted storks, five paris of grey herons, More than 10 stone flower, two pairs of riverton birds in the sanctuary, according to deputy zonal forest officer Anand.

Lands have been acquired for the development of 66 acres of the sanctuary.  In all, 11 acres of land has been acquired after 2002. The lotus pond here is also being renovated.

Till December, around 34,000 bird lovers including foreigners have visited the place and have earned government exchequer of Rs 24,87,141 for the year 2011, he added.

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Words of Peace Global Presents First 2012 Episode "The Real Flower"

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Examiners provide unique and original content to enhance life in your local city wherever that may be. Examiners come from all walks of life and contribute original content to entertain, inform, and inspire.

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Fake Grenade Prompts King Of Prussia Mall Evacuation

UPPER MERION, Pa. – Police in Upper Merion are investigating an incident after a replica hand grenade was placed inside King of Prussia Mall.

Upper Merion Township Police were told about the object on Wednesday afternoon.

officials evacuated the first floor of the Court area where the device was found.

A maintenance worker making rounds saw what appeared to be a hand grenade in a flower planter.

The upper merion police chief says the bomb squad later determined it was hallowed out grenade.

But the big question now is why would put this there and why?

Police said approximately one-fourth of the Court was evacuated, as the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Bomb Squad responded to the scene.

At 2:30 p.m.,the Bomb Squad determined that the item was a replica and not an actual explosive device.

There were no injuries and the Court was re-opened at 3:10 p.m.

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