1 Dz Roses w/ Balloons & Teddy Bear Arrangement - JustFlowers.comGiving is good for the heart, so send these vibrant blooms, balloons, and adorable teddy bear and salute your health! (Latex balloons normally last up to 12 hours.) |
12 Roses VasedOne dozen beautiful roses tastefully designed with fresh foliage in a quality glass vase and delivered fresh by our network of professional local florists. Available in most areas in red, pink, white,... |
12 White & Yellow Roses - JustFlowers.comYou can always make someone's day with a vase full of fragrant roses! |
18 Red Roses - JustFlowers.comSend someone this unique arrangement as a testament of your profound love and original taste. 1 1/2 dz roses. (Other color options are available in the shopping cart.) |
2 Dozen Assorted Roses - JustFlowers.comYou can always make someone's day with a vase full of fragrant assorted roses! |
2 Dozen Pink Roses Bouquet - JustFlowers.comThis medley of fragrant roses is the perfect fusion of luxury and style. |
2 Dozen Rainbow Assorted Roses - JustFlowers.comProclaim your love with this lush, enchanting assortment. |
2 Dozen White Roses - JustFlowers.comWhat a classic expression of affection! The simplicity of white roses is the perfect way to express sweetness. (Other color options are available in the shopping cart.) |
2 Dozen White Roses Bouquet - JustFlowers.comThe simple, yet stunning beauty of these classic roses will thoroughly convery your sentiments. (Other color options are available in the shopping cart.) |
24 Red Roses w/Vase - JustFlowers.comEven if you can't be there, these colorful, lively blooms are a thoughtful, aromatic way of telling someone you care. |