The FTD All For You Flower Bouquet With VaseAll your best wishes ever are packed into this radiant bouquet. Flowers such as bright red roses and Matsumoto asters contrast with sunny yellow daisies and white Monte Casino with ribbon in a glass vase. |
The FTD Always Adored Flower Bouquet With VaseThe FTD Always Adored™ Bouquet is a sophisticated display of sweet serenity. Elegant white calla lilies are simply accented by greens and arranged in a vase to give a look of purity and peace. |
The FTD Blooming Bounty Flower BouquetThis pretty basket is sure to cheer up anyone's day. Basket is filled with a variety of lovely flowers, such as greem button pompons, white daisy pompons, pink mini carnations and purple carnations. (Flowers... |
The FTD Bright Spark Rose Flower BouquetThis spirited bouquet holds 24 assorted roses in bright colors, such as red and yellow. These beautiful roses are arranged with greens in a vase. |
The FTD Dawning Love Flower Bouquet With VaseThe FTD Dawning Love Bouquet offers warm sun-drenched beauty to win their heart! This exquisite variety of colorful flowers such as fuchsia roses, red gerbera daisies, orange spray roses, burgundy mini... |
The FTD Fruits & FlowersThis beautiful basket is bursting with nature's bounty - as assortment of fresh seasonal fruits paired with a blooming plant. |
The FTD Long Stem Red Rose Flower Bouquet With VaseNothing speaks of love so much as a bouquet of 24 beautiful long stem red roses. Arranged with greenery in a vase, this bouquet is a gift to their heart from yours. |
The FTD Simple Perfection Flower BouquetThe FTD Simple Perfection™ Bouquet speaks from your heart to theirs with a collection of vibrant blooms. Fragrant flowers such as Stargazer lilies, pink roses and pink waxflower are beautifully arranged... |
The FTD Solemn Offering ArrangementThe FTD Solemn Offering™ Arrangement is a bright and beautiful way to say your final farewell. An assortment of fuchsia, magenta and jade gladiolus are accented with lush greens and displayed in... |
The FTD Wondrous Nature Flower Bouquet With BasketThe FTD Wondrous Nature Bouquet is bountifully bedecked with a dazzling display of color and beauty. Flowers such as stargazer lilies, blue iris, white daisies, orange mini carnations, purple statice... |