1 Dz White Funeral Roses - JustFlowers.comThe simple glory of these classic white roses will thoroughly express your sentiments. (Other color options are available in the shopping cart.) |
18 Red Roses Funeral Bouquet - JustFlowers.comSend someone this unique arrangement as a testament of your profound love and original taste. 1 1/2 dz roses. (Other color options are available in the shopping cart.) |
2 Dozen White Funeral Roses - JustFlowers.comThe simplicity of white roses is the perfect way to express sympathy. (Other color options are available in the shopping cart.) |
Angel's Funeral Casket Spray - JustFlowers.comRefined and resplendent, these blooms will calm and uplift. |
Angel's Funeral Cross - JustFlowers.comThis uplifting and delicate number is sure to comfort. |
Aromatic Funeral Flowers - JustFlowers.comExpress your sympathy in style with this distinctive and glamorous bouquet. |
Assorted Funeral Plant Basket - JustFlowers.comA charming assortment of green plants carefully arranged in a basket make a loving tribute to the friend whose untimely passing has you at a loss for words. |
Assorted Plants Funeral Basket - JustFlowers.comGive the lasting gift of a green plant set in a beautiful basket. |
Assorted Sympathy Flowers - JustFlowers.comCreate a warm atmosphere with the presence of these charming flowers, and soothe grieving friends and family. |
Basket O' Green - JustFlowers.comDuring this grevious time send your thoughts and love with this basket of green plants. |