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Winter classes on tap at Van Atta’s in Haslett


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Van Atta’s Greenhouse Flower Shop’s Winter Classes Program offers classes on a wide range of subjects on weekend days from mid-January through March.

This winter’s program will begin with a class called Make Your Own Hanging Grapevine Decor on Saturday, Jan. 14 at 1 p.m. Join Van Atta’s Dennis Banning and make your own unique and beautiful creation that can be decorated for any season and will last for years.

There is a class fee.

Join Mike Simmons from the Mid-Michigan Bonsai Club on Saturday January 21 at 1 p.m. for Bonsai Basics. There will be a slide show presentation followed by a discussion on the basics and care of bonsai. Warning! This is an addictive “hobby” that can last a lifetime and cause hours of meditative focus and enjoyment. Free.

Creating a Terrarium will be offered by Van Atta’s Brian Babiasz on Saturday, Jan. 28 at 1 p.m.

Create and take home your own mini landscape in glass. You will have several container and plant options.

There is a class and variable materials fee.

To register for classes or for more information call 517-339-1142 or visit www.vanattas.com.

Van Atta’s is on Old M-78 in Haslett, 1 1/2 mile east of Marsh Road.

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